What I am reading on my way to work. Because you care.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Ultimate goodness...

I may have mentioned it, but I'm not a fan of superhero comics. I used to buy Batman-Legends of the Dark Night, Daredevil and Spiderman back in the day, but now I just don't get into them.

Granted, Supreme Powers rocked, and I can't wait to finish it, but superhero comics are my last choice when I'm picking up a batch.

That said, my buddy Aric suggested Ultimate Fantastic Four #21 and #22 to me because he figured it would be right up my alley.

Normally, I would have declined, but Aric has made some solid, solid recomendations to me so I figured what the hell.




Once again he was right on the money. Where I would have never have thought to pick up a F4 comic (and I probably won't again after this three run series), I am glad I read them.

Dark as shit and a very interesting story that has zombie-like superheros.
