What I am reading on my way to work. Because you care.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Still Life begs another chance for another book.

My roommate's mom has the best taste in books because her taste is pretty much the same as mine.

When the roomie returned from a trip to Florida, she had a bag of books from her mom for me to go through. And, sonovabitch, I either had all of the books, or read them. Save one.

It was Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child's Still Life With Crows.

Having read Relic a few years ago, and completely not liking it (I don't think I even finished it), I was hesitant. But since the roomie's mom like it, and Ace has recommended them on a couple of occasions, I decided to give them another shot.

I'm glad I did.

Basically, there are some pretty gruesome murders in Medicine Creek, Kansas. You know, small town USA.

FBI Agent Pendergrast shows up and offers his assistance with the case to the sheriff, who reluctantly, and yet eagerly, accepts it.

The books overall plot is pretty basic and straight forward, but Preston & Child whip up some pretty memorable characters that make the book a pretty interesting read.

It's not deep, the ending is a little weak, in my opinion, but the book was good enough for me to give Relic another shot.